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Showing posts from 2014

Holiday Crafts for the Kiddos!

Okay,  so it's winter break and your kids are thrilled to be home ... how are you doing? Check out some of these fun, easy and even yummy holiday ideas that I found from awesome website! says "This  holiday  season, decorate your home with these fun and easy  Christmas  crafts. Your kids will love adorning the tree with handmade ornaments, dressing up your front door with a creative wreath, and giving cute DIY gifts to loved ones." Click on the active links above for shortcuts to their crafts! Also, be sure to share your finished products with us! Happy Holidays! Resource:

Where's The Time Gone!

Hey Moms InSite Fans! First, allow me to apologize for my absense. I've had quite a year. The one thing that truly stands out is the unexpected death of my father! It has been a journey getting to the point in which I can even allow myself to admit he is gone. But as a mother, we must press on! I will talk more about this in a later blog but for now ... 2014 has almost come to a close!  What's new with you all? Share by commenting below, via Twitter, Google+ or my Facebook page!

Single Parenting

Being a single parent is one of the most difficult yet rewarding jobs out there. I found myself wondering at times how some mothers and fathers are able to balance work, school, kids, dinner, cleaning, and so on without going insane. Having a support system in place has been a strong backbone for many mothers, including myself. I have been blessed with a mother, 2 siblings and a father (now deceased as of 4 months ago) that have been my foundation. A schedule for yourself and kids is a must. I know this may seem a bit pointless but believe me, as parents we can easy end up with a calendar filled with things to do and not realize it. Also, be sure to schedule some time for yourself. Even if it's sitting in your tub for 30 minutes reading a book once the children are napping, at school, or with family. Single parenting as I stated is difficult, no matter how organized you may feel you are. At times we all become overwhelmed and may even cry. This is normal and not a bad thing.